Expecting a baby in Belgium

Newly pregnant? Or pregnant and new to Belgium? First things first ... congratulations!

Not only are you on the exciting path to welcoming a new baby to your family, you're also in a country that offers you a wealth of choice when it comes to tailoring your pregnancy, birth and postnatal experience and care.

Many expats end up following the same well-trodden path, but we're here to help you plan the journey that's right for you!

TIP: Read through this page first before heading off to the other sections. You'll surely discover some 'must-think-abouts'!

Couple hold ultrasound image showing baby
Midwife checking patient's blood pressure

Who looks after me during pregnancy?

Well, that depends partly on your own wishes about where (and how) you'd like to give birth, and partly on how your pregnancy evolves.

Many women only see a gynaecologist throughout their pregnancy, and give birth in the hospital where that gynaecologist works. But you can also choose midwife-led care, and give birth in a hospital that allows midwives to birth babies, in your own home, or in one of the few birth centres across Belgium.

Phyiotherapists also plays a role in birth preparation (as well as during birth and the postnatal period – think pelvic floor reeducation!). And more and more women are seeking doula support before, during and after birth.

Hospital, birth centre, or home?

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Hospital buildings
Scene showing laptop, phone, stethoscope, pen and glasses

What tests and checks do I have during pregnancy?

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How much does having a baby cost, and what payments am I entitled to?

Provided you're covered by Belgian social security (or similar via your employer), costs related to your pregnancy and your postnatal recovery are well covered. If you also have hospitalisation insurance (again, privately or via your or your partner's work), the vast majority of costs related to the birth are also covered.

If you don't have hospitalisation insurance, it's worth remembering that choosing a shared hospital room for after birth will keep your costs very low – and good news, in Belgium, shared maternity rooms never have more than 2 beds!

What else do I need to think about at this stage?

Your baby's birth may feel like a long way away, but time flies! And there are a few practical things to think about:

- Will you take longer than the minimum maternity leave? If yes (or maybe), it's worth thinking about now. Read more about types of leave.

- Will you need daycare for your baby? If yes, then NOW is the time to get that ball rolling! Read more about finding daycare.

- If you're pregnancy is straightforward, then staying in shape can be really beneficial. Read more about prenatal exercise.

- If you're not married, think about already declaring your partner's parentage of your baby as of your 6th month.

Other stages on your journey