Birth allowance

The ‘birth allowance’ is a one-off allowance paid by one of Belgium’s five child allowance funds for the birth of every child in Belgium.

The birth allowance amount depends on whether your child is domiciled in the Brussels-Capital Region, Wallonia, Flanders or German-speaking Belgium.

Sometimes called the ‘birth premium’ or ‘maternity allowance’ in English, it’s typically called the allocation de naissance (Wallonia), startbedrag (Flanders), kraamgeld (Brussels) or Geburtsprämie (German-speaking Belgium) in French, Dutch and German respectively. A similar allowance is also paid to parents who adopt a child.

The village partners with one of the five child allowance funds, Infino, who support families living in Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia.

Each family is free to choose the child allowance fund it prefers. And while the amounts paid do not differ per fund, we really appreciate the comprehensive and friendly assistance of Infino. If you don’t find the answers you need below, you can contact them directly on (Brussels), (Flanders), or (Wallonia) for further help!

DISCLAIMER: We receive a small commission if you use any of the links in this article to join Infino. If you do, thanks for helping the village keep doing what it does!

In this section you can find out about the:

All amounts mentioned on this page are subject to indexation. For the most updated amounts, please refer to

Note that if your baby is stillborn after at least 24 weeks of pregnancy, you are still entitled to this allowance – Read more

Basic principles of the birth allowance in Belgium

Who requests the birth allowance?

In the past, applications for the birth allowance (and family allowance/child allowance) were typically made via one parent’s employer, usually the father’s. This is no longer the case, and parents now initiate the process themselves.

Either parent can apply for the birth allowance.

Who receives the birth allowance?

Belgian law stipulates that, in principle, the birth allowance must be paid to the bank account of the (biological) mother, or by cheque in the name of the (biological) mother. This may of course be a bank account or cheque in the name of both the mother and father/co-parent, if relevant.

As from when (and until when) can I request the birth allowance?

You can apply for the birth allowance as from your sixth month of pregnancy. The amount will be transferred at the earliest two months before your due date, to the bank account you provide, or by cheque.

If for whatever reason you don’t request the birth allowance before the birth, you can also request it after the birth. The rules for the timing of requests after the birth vary per region – see below for more information.

Do I need to do anything after the birth?

If your birth allowance has been requested and approved before the birth, you will automatically start receiving the monthly family allowance after the birth, once you register your baby at the commune you are living in. There will be no additional paperwork to submit to initiate family allowance payments.

Birth allowance if your child will be domiciled in Brussels

If you are requesting a birth allowance for your first child who will be domiciled in Brussels, you can make the request online.

If you are already receiving family allowance for at least one other child, you must send your request to the same fund that pays that allowance. 

Since January 2022, Brussels parents can change fund should they wish to do so. Note that you need to have been with your current fund for at least two years before being able to change.

When can I apply for the birth allowance and what documentation do I need?

You can apply for the birth allowance as soon as you enter your sixth month of pregnancy. When you apply, you attach/include a copy of the medical certificate from your doctor that indicates your expected due date. If, for whatever reason you don’t have doctor’s certificate yet, you can still apply and provide this later.

It’s also possible to apply for a birth allowance after the birth, if for whatever reason you didn’t request it earlier. However, the period during which this is possible is limited. In Brussels, just make sure to request it no later than three years from the last day of the trimester in which your baby was born.

Note: To apply for the birth allowance before the birth, the expectant mother must be resident in Belgium (or of Belgian nationality). When you apply for the birth allowance after birth, the child (or one of its parents) needs to meet this condition.

How much do I receive and when?

In Brussels, you will receive €1,340.90 for your/your partner’s first child, or per child for a multiple birth. For subsequent births, you receive €609.50 (amounts subject to possible annual indexation). (Amounts correct at 21 May 2024.)

The birth allowance is paid at the earliest two months before your expected due date to the bank account you indicate on your application, or by cheque. 

More information?

Birth allowance if your child will be domiciled in Flanders

If you are requesting a birth allowance for your first child who will be domiciled in Flanders, you can make the request online. 

Your child will automatically be part of the ‘Groeipakket’ scheme, which brings together the ‘startbedrag’ (birth/adoption allowance), family allowances as well as allowances related to childcare, school attendance etc.

If you are already receiving family allowance for at least one other child, you can send your request to the same fund, or, should you wish to do so, you can choose a different fund for all your family allowance payments provided you have already been with your current fund for at least 12 months.

When to apply for the birth allowance?

You can apply for the birth allowance as soon as you enter your sixth month of pregnancy. When you apply, you attach/include a copy of the medical certificate from your doctor that indicates your expected due date. If, for whatever reason you don’t have doctor’s certificate yet, you can still apply and provide this later.

If you didn’t apply for a birth allowance before the birth, you can still do so within five years of the birth.

Note: To apply for the birth allowance before the birth, the expectant mother must be resident in Belgium (or of Belgian nationality). When you apply for the birth allowance after birth, the child (or one of its parents) needs to meet this condition.

How much do I receive and when?

In Flanders, you will receive a startbedrag of €1,214.49 for each child. The amounts are subject to possible annual indexation. (Amount correct at 21 May 2024.)

The birth allowance is paid at the earliest two months before your expected due date to the bank account you indicate on your application, or by cheque. 

More information?

Birth allowance if your child will be domiciled in Wallonia

If you are requesting a birth allowance for your first child who will be domiciled in Wallonia, you can make the request online.

If you are already receiving family allowance for at least one other child, you can send your request to the same fund, or, should you wish to do so, you can choose a different fund for all your family allowance payments provided you have already been with your current fund for at least 24 months.

How and when to apply for the birth allowance?

You can apply for the birth allowance as soon as you enter your sixth month of pregnancy. When you apply, you attach/include a copy of the medical certificate from your doctor that indicates your expected due date. If, for whatever reason you don’t have doctor’s certificate yet, you can still apply and provide this later.

If you didn’t apply for a birth allowance before the birth, you can still do so within five years of the birth. 

How much do I receive and when?

In Wallonia, you will receive a birth allowance of €1,340.90 whether it’s your first child or a later addition to your family. (Amount correct at 21 May 2024.)

The birth allowance is paid at the earliest two months before your expected due date to the bank account you indicate on your application.

More information?

Birth allowance if your child will be domiciled in German-speaking Belgium

The Department of Family and Social Affairs of the Ministry of the German-speaking Community of Belgium is responsible for family allowance payments, including the birth allowance (Geburtsprämie).

How and when to apply for the birth allowance?

To apply for the birth allowance, complete and return the relevant form, which you can find on the website of the family portal of the German-speaking community

You can apply for the birth allowance as soon as you enter your sixth month of pregnancy. When you apply, you attach/include a copy of the medical certificate from your doctor that indicates your expected due date.

If you didn’t apply for a birth allowance before the birth, you can still do so after the birth by submitting the paper you receive from the commune for this purpose when you register the birth.

How much do I receive and when?

For each child, you will receive a birth allowance of EUR 1,320.88, whether it’s your first child or a later addition to your family. (Amount correct at 21 May 2024.)

The birth allowance is paid at the earliest two months before your expected due date to the bank account you indicate on your application. 

More information?

Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft
Kaperberg, 6
4700 EUPEN

Tel: 087 596 300
Website: (German)

Other situations

What if my baby is stillborn?

If your baby is stillborn after at least 180 days (24 weeks) of pregnancy, you can still apply for this allowance (and claim maternity leave and paternity / co-parent / birth leave as relevant). 

To do this, you will need to provide the child allowance fund with a specific form that the a civil registrar from the commune you are living in will give you (‘Acte de déclaration d’un enfant présenté sans vie’/’Aangifte van een levenloos vertoond kind’).