Pain relief options available in Belgium

During labour and birth there are various ways to maximise your comfort, and ease the pain of contractions and the birth itself.

Have you thought about attending a prenatal class?

Prenatal classes provide an opportunity to discuss labour and birth in a safe and supportive environment, so that you can explore your own feelings and wishes, discover various coping strategies for labour and birth and feel more confident about making informed decisions.

Photo by Valeriia Bugaiova on Unsplash

Below you can find out more about:

Natural pain relief techniques

Most birth preparation classes cover coping techniques for dealing with the sometimes intense sensations and discomfort of labour and birth.

Many of these techniques are based on the idea that staying calm can facilitate the flow of birth hormones – including oxytocin (the hormone that causes the uterus to contract) and endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers) – making for a smoother, easier birth. 

Depending on the class, these techniques may include:

  • breathing and relaxation techniques – these can help the mother stay calm and relieve tension in her body so that blood and oxygen are diverted not to the mother’s tense muscles, but instead to her baby and to the contracting uterus. They can also provide a focus to help the mother cope with the discomfort of contractions, and can help her make the most of the rest periods between contractions

  • massage – the birth partner can learn and practice techniques that help release tension in the mother’s body, encourage hormone release and provide general comfort and reassurance

  • positions for labour and birth – freedom of movement can bring great comfort during contractions, and movements such as rocking and swaying can even help labour progress. 

Learning and practicing positions during pregnancy can help you identify positions that are comfortable for you, and lets you think in advance about how you want to use e.g. a birth ball, or birth sling, or how you can use things like chairs or furniture for support during contractions etc.

Water can also bring comfort in labour. Most hospital labour wards (and some labour rooms) have baths which you can use during labour – although most hospitals will not willingly let you give birth in water. Read more about waterbirth in Belgium.

Having an independent midwife (in a support capacity), physiotherapist or doula at your birth can offer wonderful support for both the mother and her partner.

Physiotherapists in particular can offer a wealth of practical support in terms of positions, massage and breathing techniques.

‘TENS’ machine

A TENS (Transcuteaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machine is a small electronic device that offers pain relief by giving small electrical pulses to the muscles on the back using – this helps block the pain signals coming from your uterus as it contracts.

Although it does not mask the pain entirely, it often helps women cope better with contractions. This pain relief method is most effective when started in early labour, and as it is non-invasive, has no side-effects for mother or baby.

TENS machines are battery-operated, and usually come with a belt clip or neck, so do not limit your movement in labour. They are widely available in the UK (e.g. in Boots), should you feel like buying one and have the opportunity to visit the UK. Alternatively, TENS machines can be rented from the BCT or Antenatal and Baby.

‘Gas and air’ (entonox)

‘Gas and air’ – entonox, which is made up of half oxygen and half nitrous oxide, and administered via a mask/single-use mouthpiece – has a calming effect, and takes the edge off pain, rather than blocking it out completely.

Some of the advantages are that the mum controls when to use it, it is fast-acting and easy to use, it doesn’t stay in your system, and won’t directly interfere with your labour as e.g. an epidural would. 

It is widely used in UK hospitals, and is now available in some Brussels hospitals, including Delta hospitalClinique St-MichelClinique Ste-Elisabeth and Ixelles-Etterbeek

As this is very new development in Brussels hospitals, make sure to express your interest early on to discuss availability and ability of staff to support you in its use.

Some gynaecologists and midwives still seem to be resisting its introduction, but demand from expectant mums is growing!

Also, while entonox is most commonly administered using a mouthpiece, Brussels hospitals tend to have masks – best to specifically ask in advance of the birth if you are inquiring about using entonox with a mouthpiece.

Read more about ‘gas and air’ (external link).


Have you thought about attending a prenatal class?

Prenatal classes provide an opportunity to discuss labour and birth in a safe and supportive environment, so that you can explore your own feelings and wishes, discover various coping strategies for labour and feel more confident about making informed decisions.

Until mid-2015, epidural analgesia was the only kind of pharmacological pain relief available during labour, which may help explain its popularity – in 2016, 74% of labouring women in Belgium opted for an epidural, with some hospitals reporting rates of closer to 90% 123.

During an epidural, powerful pain-killing drugs are injected into your lower back using a hollow needle. A fine catheter is then passed through the needle, and this catheter is taped up your back and over your shoulder to allow the drugs to be topped up as necessary.

The pain relief from an epidural is very effective, and you shouldn’t be able to feel any pain.

Can I still move if I have an epidural?

How much you can still feel your legs will depend on the dose of drugs used.

‘Mobile epidurals’ (where you have enough feeling in your legs to be able to walk around) are not typically available in Belgian hospitals, though it may be worth asking your gynaecologist about this, or asking when you do a hospital tour.

Questions about epidurals?

Many hospitals also organise special information sessions on epidurals, given by anaesthetists, where you can ask any questions you have.

Read more about epidurals (external link).

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