First aid classes in Belgium

Photo by Zhen Hu on Unsplash

Learning basic first aid skills can quite simply save a life. As well as being able to more confidently deal with situations involving your own family, you might also be able to help others.

Here are some of the organisations that offer first aid classes in Belgium.

First aid classes in English

​Qualified first aid trainer Kate Ellwood of offers informal first aid classes online, in and around Brussels and Leuven, or even in your own home. Contact Kate at

The skills taught in classes are in line with current European Resuscitation Council Guidelines.

First aid classes in French or Dutch

The Croix Rouge offers a wide range of first aid courses in French, including certain courses specifically covering delivering first aid to babies and children. As well as first aid courses for adults, they also run first aid courses for children as of the age of 10.

The Rode Kruis offers various first aid courses in Dutch, including classes focusing on babies and children. The minimum age to follow first aid classes with the Rode Kruis is 16.

The youth section of the Flemish Rode Kruis organises first aid training in schools and youth groups.

First aid for babysitters

If your son or daughter wants to offer babysitting services – or you’re hiring a new babysitter – you might want to make sure they have followed at least a basic first aid course.

The Rode Kruis offers first aid courses in Dutch which can be taken as of age 16.

The Croix Rouge offers a ‘Brevet Européen de Premier Secours’ (BEPS) in French, which can be taken from age 12. If the child is under the age of 15, they need to be accompanied by an adult.

The French-language family association Ligue des Familles also trains babysitters from age 16.