Guest post in collaboration with Infino. If you join Infino via a link on this website, receives a small commission that helps us do what we do!

Dear children in Brussels …

Did you know that your parent(s) receive(s) monthly financial support for looking after you? And did you know that this amount is payed out by a child benefit fund?

Please tell your mum or dad the good news: they can now choose the child benefit fund that best aligns with their values and with what’s important to you and your family.

Make sure to send this article to your parents, so they can read it too!

Why should my family switch?

Chances are, your parents probably aren’t even aware of which fund is paying your child benefits – to check, get them to take a look at their bank account or other official documents. In Belgium, there are different private and public payers, who take care of all the paperwork and pay the amount your parents are entitled to.

So what’s the difference between these funds? While the amounts you receive are the same across all funds, the difference lies in their customer service, the values they uphold, and the fund’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

By comparing child benefit funds you can find the best fit for you and your family, and know that by making that choice, you’re making a difference. You might find an extra customer service, a digital tool, a personal approach, or a little extra push towards a better future for all children.

What does your child benefit fund stand for? And what would you like it to stand for?

The personal touch

‘the village kids’

“Personally, I’m glad I made the switch to Infino. Before I discovered them, I couldn’t have told you which fund I was with, and as a result, had no idea of that fund’s ethos. It all felt very impersonal. In Infino, I have a fund that is working hard to support causes that are close to my heart, like combatting child poverty, and looking after our planet (starting right here in Belgium!).

“I’m also confident Infino can answer my questions about any life situation I’m in, could be in, or am likely to be in, that might impact my child benefits… divorce, kids going to university or change of family income. And they can answer me in English! Also, it’s reassuring to know that they support families across Brussels, Wallonia and Flanders, which means that even if I move house to a different region, I don’t have to change fund.” Siobhán McGonigle, founder of and mum to three Infino kids.

“At Infino, we ensure a smooth and punctual payment of your allowances and take care of all the red tape. No matter where you are from, or where you are heading. We go to work every day to make a difference for those who need information and a little help”, explains Elisa from Infino, “Together with our partner Foundation Pelicano [Dutch/French], we fight against child poverty. And we plant a tree for every newborn in our family.”

Do you want to find out more about Infino and your choices in Brussels? Visit the Infino website.

Parents in Brussels, did you know that you can change your child benefit fund?!

Find out more about Infino at and if you want to join the Infino gang, simply submit your application in English here.

Rest assured that when you change fund, there is no interruption to your monthly payment.

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