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Guest articles

When you're preparing for your baby's arrival, receiving a no-strings-attached €1,300 is a very welcome bonus! Find out how to apply for your birth allowance. Guest post in collaboration with Infino.
Every child in Belgium is entitled to a monthly child allowance payment. But did you know that you can choose the child allowance fund that best aligns with your family's values? – Guest post in collaboration with Infino
Expecting your first baby? Or moving your family to Belgium? Let Infino get your family off to a great start with the family allowances your entitled to! GUEST ARTICLE IN COLLABORATION WITH INFINO.
New to Belgium, and your family will be living in Brussels? Or maybe you're moving from elsewhere in Belgium? Then here are the basics of what you need to know about child benefits in Brussels. – Guest post in collaboration with Infino
Elke Van Den Bergh, one of the founding midwives of Zwanger in Brussel, tells us a little about the origins of Zwanger in Brussel and invites you to get in touch!
In this beautiful and heartfelt article photographer Ana Ionita – formerly based in Brussels –explains the value printed photos, and why we should consider baby and family photos as heirlooms.
Couple lying on bed facing each other
Brussels-based sexologist Adina Inescu reminds us of the role of intimacy in sexual health, shares three important things to know about intimacy after birth, and introduces her upcoming in-person and online workshops for new mums.
First aid instructor Kate Ellwood gives some advice on the 'must-haves', 'nice-to-haves', and 'why nots' to keep in your family first aid kit.
Belgium is often known for its bureaucracy, but actually, some things are really simple: like ensuring that you receive the family allowance payments you are entitled to – Written in collaboration with Infino
Whatever the reason you've chosen Belgium as your new home, family allowance agency Infino is there to help you get your monthly child benefit payments started as soon as possible if you're entitled to them.