the village blog

Our babies don’t stay tiny for long, which means that once our families are complete, there’s no point holding on to all that ‘stuff’ … especially when there are so many others in need. Find out where your donations can make a real difference.
A familiar face on the Brussels perinatal scene, Sophie Girard-Sequeira also helps parents heal from traumatic perinatal experiences through a highly effective 3-step Birth Trauma Recovery process.
Shopping for baby items is probably high on your to-do list when preparing for your baby's arrival. But it's easy to get overwhelmed! How can you figure out what you actually need, and how to source it in a wallet-friendly way? Read on!
When you're preparing for your baby's arrival, receiving a no-strings-attached €1,100 is a very welcome bonus! Find out how to apply for your birth allowance. Guest post in collaboration with Infino.
Every child in Belgium is entitled to a monthly child allowance payment. But did you know that you can choose the child allowance fund that best aligns with your family's values? – Guest post in collaboration with Infino
First aid instructor Kate Ellwood gives some advice on the 'must-haves', 'nice-to-haves', and 'why nots' to keep in your family first aid kit.
Belgium is often known for its bureaucracy, but actually, some things are really simple: like ensuring that you receive the family allowance payments you are entitled to – Written in collaboration with Infino
Whatever the reason you've chosen Belgium as your new home, family allowance agency Infino is there to help you get your monthly child benefit payments started as soon as possible if you're entitled to them. - Busy mum
Mindfulness teacher Jessica Evsen of Two Wings explains how mindfulness can have a positive impact on our family’s health, happiness, and well-being.
New York native Emily Gold has been a familiar face on the Brussels birth scene since the mid-2000s. In part I of our interview, we shine a light on Emily's work supporting parents(-to-be) in the pre- and postnatal period.